
Bodine van Styrum smiling towards camera

Polestar's latest in-car app: Behavioural science is taking on EV charging

A new renewable charging app in the Netherlands has the potential to transform the EV charging landscape by providing real-time data on the country's energy mix. We spent the day with Behavioural Scientist Bodine van Styrum to learn the complex processes behind decision-making and how technology, including Polestar's new in-car renewable charging app, can play a vital role in tackling climate change.

Furniture on plank pathway in forest

One company is going green with paper paste

The choices we make are increasingly being shaped by eco-consciousness. Whether it’s reusing and recycling, choosing more environmentally friendly transportation, or supporting brands that prioritise sustainable practices, our decisions can significantly impact our environmental footprint. One company is on a mission to make its interior design products the obvious decoration choice for the eco-friendly shopper. Meet Paper Paste Living.

How we charged a Polestar in 10 minutes — and why it’ll change the EV landscape forever

A prototype Polestar 5 brought extreme fast charging a step closer following the successful demonstration of the company’s next-generation battery pack. Using StoreDot’s unique silicon-based cells, the test achieved charging speeds in excess of 350 kW. We spoke to Polestar Battery System Chief Engineer Jens Groot to discover how charging history was made on Sweden’s west coast.